Internal Medicine and Medical Investigation Journal

ISSN: 2474-7750

Commentary - (2021) Volume 6, Issue 2

Overview of Silent Heart Attack and Health Care after Returning to Home

Pouria Yazdian-Anari

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Hemothorax is collection of blood in the space between the chest wall and the lung (the pleural cavity) and pneumothorax occurs when air leaks into the space between lung and chest wall. When a patient admitted in hospital due to this purpose, in an emergency in the ICU, the first step is to go to the bed side and examine the patient. There are some physical findings that should help to doctor to determine the cause of hypotension and distinguish between hemothorax and pneumothorax. The first finding is tracheal deviation to the right, away from the side where the procedure was performed.


Heartattack, Treatment, Health care


The pain person experienced from a heart attack may be less or it may not even be very painful at all. If someone having a heart attack, patient family member has already know to call hospital for ambulance right away. But if patient don't have the telltale sign of sudden chest pain that everyone is taught to recognize, it can be confusing. This is called a silent heart attack. It means that person don't even know he/she having one. But it's still dangerous and even life-threatening for that person.

A silent heart attack is just like any other and just as damaging person’s heart needs oxygen-rich blood to function. If plaque which consists of fat, cholesterol, and other substances, builds up in the arteries which carry blood to the heart and this blood flow can be significantly or completely cut off. If for a longer time heart doesn’t have blood flow then more damage occurs. Because silent heart attacks may go unnoticed, they can cause a significant amount of damage. And without treatment, they can be deadly for a person. There are 4 silent signs and symptomsof a heart attack.


Sometimes the pain from a heart attack is sudden and intense, which makes them easy to recognized and got help. Most heart attacks actually involve only mild pain or discomfort in the center portion of chest. Patient may also feel pressure, squeezing, or fullness in chest. These symptoms usually start slowly and may go away or come back. This can be complicated because these symptoms may be related to something less serious health issues, heartburn due to acidity. Everyone knows their body best. So if feel like something’s not right then need to be checked by a physician or even head to the emergency room.


A heart attack not only affects patient heart but also patient can actually feel the effects throughout whole body. But this can make detection a heart attack confusing. Patient may experience pain or discomfort in arms (one or both of them), back bone, neck, jaw and stomach. These symptoms can vary from person to person depending upon physical condition of patient. For example, some people experiences that their back pain from a heart attack as feeling like a rope being tied around them or may also feel a heavy pressure on back.


If person feels like just run a marathon but that person only walked up the stairs that might be a sign heart isn’t able to properly pump blood to the rest of body. Shortness of breathing can occur with or without chest pain, and it’s a common sign of a silent heart attack. Patient may also feel dizzy or lightheaded and its possible could tire. Though this can happen with both men and women, it’s more common for women to experiences shortness of breathing.


Waking up in a cold sweat, feeling nauseated and vomiting may be symptoms of the flu, but it may be also signs of a silent heart attack. Patient may know what the flu feels like because they have had one before many times, but when gut is telling that these flu-like symptoms are may be something more serious, listen. Don’t ignore these symptoms up to the flu, stress, or simply feeling under the weather they may be much more serious than that.


The first week after return home patient may be feel tired or weakness.

This is because of the damaged to heart muscle and the bed rest patient had in the hospital.

For the first few weeks:

• Take care of all personal hygiene (bathing, shaving, and dressing).

• Spread activities throughout the day. If become tired, rest and schedule that unfinished activities for another day.

• Patient may climb stairs at home as part of daily activity, unless doctor told patient not to do this. Try to arrange activities in o proper manner so that do not have to climb up and down stairs several times during the day.

• Walk every day as prescribed by doctor. A regular walking program is a good medium to regain energy.

• When feel stronger then return to light household works, such as folding clothes, cooking, etc,.

Doctor will advise patient as to when he/she can return to work, drive a car and begin more vigorousactivities.


• Eating a heart healthy diet is very important to avoid future complications of heart disease. Six ways to reduce coronary artery disease include:

• Eat green vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes

• Choose fat calories wisely

• Eat a variety and the right amount of protein foods

• Limited intake of dietary cholesterol

• Use complex carbohydrates for energy, and limit theintake of simple carbohydrates

• Place less emphasis on sodium and increase your intake of potassium, magnesium and calcium

Author Info

Pouria Yazdian-Anari
1Department of Cardiology, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran

Received: 04-Jun-2021 Accepted: 18-Jun-2021 Published: 25-Jun-2021

Copyright: This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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